Which Religious Order Is Known For Its Service To The Poor?
In the Cosmic Church, a religious order is a community of consecrated life with members that profess solemn vows. They are classed as a blazon of religious institute.[ane]
Subcategories of religious orders are canons regular (canons and canonesses regular who recite the Divine Role and serve a church and perhaps a parish); monastics (monks or nuns living and working in a monastery and reciting the Divine Office); mendicants (friars or religious sisters who live from alms, recite the Divine Office, and, in the example of the men, participate in apostolic activities); and clerics regular (priests who have religious vows and have a very active apostolic life).
Original Cosmic religious orders of the Center Ages include the Order of Saint Benedict. In particular the primeval orders include the English Benedictine Congregation (1216) and Benedictine communities connected to Cluny Abbey, the Benedictine reform move of Cistercians, and the Norbertine Social club of Premonstratensians (1221). These orders were confederations of contained abbeys and priories, who were unified through a leadership structure connected to permanent establishments.
A century later on, mendicant groups like the Carmelites, the Order of Friars Small, the Dominican Order, the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and the Order of Saint Augustine formed their Orders. Equally such, also the Teutonic Club may qualify, every bit today it is mainly monastic. These Mendicant Orders did not hold property for their Religious Communities, instead begging for alms and going where they were needed. Their leadership construction included each fellow member, as opposed to each Abbey or Firm, as subject to their directly superior.
In the past, what distinguished religious orders from other institutes was the classification of the vows that the members took in religious profession as solemn vows. According to this criterion, the terminal religious gild founded was that of the Bethlehem Brothers in 1673.[2] Even so, in the course of the 20th century, some religious institutes outside the category of orders obtained permission to brand solemn vows, at least of poverty, thus blurring the stardom.[ citation needed ]
Essential distinguishing marking [edit]
Solemn vows were originally considered indissoluble. Equally noted beneath, dispensations began to exist granted in later times, but originally not even the Pope could manipulate from them.[3] If for a just cause a fellow member of a religious order was expelled, the vow of chastity remained unchanged and so rendered invalid any attempt at marriage, the vow of obedience obliged in relation, more often than not, to the bishop rather than to the religious superior, and the vow of poverty was modified to run across the new situation but the expelled religious "could not, for example, will any goods to some other; and goods which came to him reverted at his death to his establish or to state of the vatican city".[4]
Weakening of the stardom in 1917 [edit]
The onetime 1917 Lawmaking of Canon Police force reserved the proper name "religious order" for institutes in which the vows were solemn, and used the term religious congregation or simply "congregation" for institutes with simple vows. The members of a religious society for men were called "regulars", those belonging to a religious congregation were just "religious", a term that applied likewise to regulars. For women, those with simple vows were called "sisters", with the term "nun" reserved in canon law for those who belonged to an found of solemn vows, even if in some localities they were allowed to have simple vows instead.[5]
However, information technology abolished the distinction co-ordinate to which solemn vows, unlike simple vows, were indissoluble. It recognized no totally indispensable religious vows and thereby abrogated for the Latin Church the special consecration that distinguished "orders" from "congregations", while keeping some juridical distinctions.[iv]
In practice, even earlier 1917 dispensations from solemn religious vows were being obtained by grant of the Pope himself, while departments of the Holy See and superiors specially delegated by it could manipulate from simple religious vows.[6]
The 1917 Code maintained a juridical distinction by declaring invalid any marriage attempted by solemnly professed religious or past those with elementary vows to which vatican city had attached the effect of invalidating spousal relationship,[seven] while stating that no elementary vow rendered a marriage invalid, except in the cases in which the Holy See directed otherwise.[8] Thus members of "orders" were barred absolutely from marriage, and any spousal relationship they attempted was invalid. Those who made uncomplicated vows were obliged not to marry, but if they did pause their vow, the wedlock was considered valid.
Some other difference was that a professed religious of solemn vows lost the right to own property and the chapters to acquire temporal appurtenances for himself or herself, only a professed religious of elementary vows, while existence prohibited by the vow of poverty from using and administering property, kept ownership and the right to learn more than, unless the constitutions of the religious institute explicitly stated the contrary.[nine]
After publication of the 1917 Code, many institutes with simple vows appealed to the Holy See for permission to make solemn vows. The Apostolic Constitution Sponsa Christi of 21 November 1950 fabricated access to that permission easier for nuns (in the strict sense), though not for religious institutes dedicated to apostolic activity. Many of these latter institutes of women so petitioned for the solemn vow of poverty alone. Towards the stop of the Second Vatican Council, superiors general of clerical institutes and abbots president of monastic congregations were authorized to let, for a just crusade, their subjects of simple vows who made a reasonable asking to renounce their holding except for what would exist required for their sustenance if they were to depart.[10] These changes resulted in a further blurring of the previously articulate distinction between "orders" and "congregations", since institutes that were founded equally "congregations" began to have some members who had all three solemn vows or had members that took a solemn vow of poverty and elementary vows of chastity and obedience.
Further changes in 1983 [edit]
The current 1983 Code of Canon Constabulary maintains the distinction between solemn and simple vows,[11] but no longer makes any stardom between their juridical effects, including the distinction between "orders" and "congregations". Instead, it uses the unmarried term "religious plant" to designate all such institutes.[12] [13]
While solemn vows once meant those taken in what was called a religious gild, "today, in order to know when a vow is solemn it volition be necessary to refer to the proper law of the institutes of consecrated life."[14]
"Religious society" and "religious plant" tend indeed to exist used at present equally synonyms, and catechism lawyer Nicholas Cafardi, commenting on the fact that the canonical term is "religious establish", can write that "religious order" is a colloquialism.[15]
A religious society is characterized past an authority structure where a superior general has jurisdiction over the order'due south dependent communities. An exception is the Social club of St Benedict which is non a religious club in this technical sense, because it has a system of "independent houses", meaning that each abbey is autonomous. However, the Constitutions governing the order'due south global "contained houses" and its distinct "congregations" (of which there are 20) were approved by the pope. Too, according to rank and say-so, the abbot primate's "position with regard to the other abbots [throughout the world] is to be understood rather from the analogy of a primate in a bureaucracy than from that of the general of an order like the Dominicans and Jesuits."[xvi]
The Canons Regular of Saint Augustine are in a situation similar to that of the Benedictines. They are organized in eight "congregations", each headed past an "abbot full general", just also take an "Abbot Primate of the Confederated Canons Regular of Saint Augustine". And the Cistercians are in thirteen "congregations", each headed by an "abbot general" or an "abbot president", but practise not utilize the title of "abbot primate".
List of religious orders in the Annuario Pontificio [edit]
Religious orders in the Annuario Pontificio
The Annuario Pontificio lists for both men and women the institutes of consecrated life and the like that are "of pontifical right" (those that the Holy See has erected or approved by formal decree).[17] For the men, it gives what it now calls the Historical-Juridical List of Precedence.[18] This listing dates dorsum many decades. It is establish, for instance, in the 1964 edition of the Annuario Pontificio, pp. 807–870, where the heading is "States of Perfection (of pontifical right for men)". In the 1969 edition the heading has go "Religious and Secular institutes of Pontifical Right for Men", a form it kept until 1975 inclusive. Since 1976, when work was already advanced on revising the Lawmaking of Canon Law, the listing has been qualified as "historical-juridical" and still labels as orders the institutes for men of the Latin Church. However, it does not distinguish between orders and congregations in the case of the Eastern Catholic Churches and Latin Church women.
Within that long listing, a relatively small section is devoted to Latin-Rite orders for men:
Canons Regular | |||
Official name | Abridgement | Mutual proper name | |
Sacer et Apostolicus Ordo Canonicorum Regularium S. Augustini | C.R.Due south.A. | Canon Regulars, Augustinian Canons | |
Congregatio Sanctissimi Salvatoris Lateranensis | C.R.L. | Canons Regular of the Lateran | |
Candidus et Canonicus Ordo Praemonstratensis | O. Praem. | Norbertines or Premonstratensians | |
Ordo Canonicorum Regularium Sanctae Crucis | O.R.C. | Canons Regular of the Holy Cross of Coimbra | |
Ordo Fratrum Domus Hospitalis Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum in Jerusalem | O.T. | (formerly Teutonic Knights) German Lodge | |
Canonici Regulares Ordinis South. Crucis | O.Southward.C. | Crosier Fathers and Brothers | |
Canonici Regulares Sanctissimae Crucis a stella rubea | O.Chiliad.C.R.S. | Knights of the Cross with the Red Star | |
Monastic Orders | |||
Official name | Abbreviation | Common proper noun | |
Ordo Sancti Benedicti | O.S.B. | Benedictines (20 congregations) | |
Congregatio Eremitarum Camaldulensium Montis Coronae | O.S.B.Cam. | Camaldolese (joined the Benedictine confederation) | |
Ordo Cisterciensis | O. Cist. | Cistercians (13 congregations) | |
Ordo Cisterciensis Strictioris Observantiae | O.C.S.O. | Trappists | |
Ordo Cartusiensis | Cart. | Carthusians | |
Ordo Fratrum South. Pauli Primi Eremitae | O.S.P.P.E. | Pauline Fathers | |
Ordo Sancti Hieronymi | O.S.H. | Hieronymites | |
Ordo Libanensis Maronitarum | O.50.M. | Baladites | |
Mendicant Orders | |||
Official name | Abridgement | Common name | |
Ordo Fratrum Praedicatorum | O.P. | Dominicans | |
Ordo Fratrum Minorum | O.F.M. | Franciscans | |
Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium | O.F.Grand. Conv. | Conventual Franciscans | |
Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum | O.F.M. Cap. | Capuchin Franciscans | |
Tertius Ordo Regularis S. Francisci | T.O.R. | Brothers of Penance | |
Ordo Fratrum Sancti Augustini | O.S.A. | Augustinian Friars | |
Ordo Augustinianorum Recollectorum | O.A.R. | Augustinian Recollects | |
Ordo Augustiniensium Discalceatorum | O.A.D. | Discalced Augustinians | |
Ordo Fratrum Beatissimae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo | O. Carm. | Carmelites | |
Ordo Fratrum Discalceatorum B. Mariae Five. de Monte Carmelo | O.C.D. | Discalced Carmelites | |
Ordo Ssmae Trinitatis | O.SS.T. | Trinitarians | |
Ordo B. Mariae Virginis de Mercede | O. de One thousand. | Mercedarians | |
Ordo PP. Excalceatorum B.K.V. De Mercede | O.M.D. | Discalced Mercedarians | |
Ordo Servorum Mariae | O.S.G. | Servites | |
Ordo Minimorum | O.M. | Minims | |
Ordo Hospitalarius Southward. Ioannis de Deo | O.H. | St John of God Order | |
Ordo Fratrum Bethlemitarum | O.F.B. | Bethlehemites | |
Clerics Regular | |||
Official name | Abbreviations | Common proper noun | |
Congregatio Clericorum Regularium Southward. Pauli, Barnabitarum | B. | Barnabites | |
Societas Iesu | Southward.J. | Jesuits | |
Ordo Clericorum Regularium a Somascha | C.R.Due south. | Somascans | |
Ordo Clericorum Regularium Ministrantium Infirmis | 1000.I. | Camillians | |
Ordo Clericorum Regularium Minorum | C.R.Thou. | Clerics Regular Small | |
Ordo Clericorum Regularium Matris Dei | O.K.D. | Clerics Regular of the Female parent of God | |
Ordo Clericorum Regularium Pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum | Sch. P. | Piarists | |
Ordo Clericorum Regularium vulgo Theatinorum | C.R. | Theatines |
The 2012 Annuario Pontificio, which devotes 19 pages to this data on Latin-Rite "orders" for men, gives 35 pages to Latin-Rite "congregations" for men, seven to Eastern "orders, religious congregations and societies of churchly life" for men, and 198 pages to more than curtailed data on religious institutes for women.
See also [edit]
- General
- Christian monasticism
- Christian Religious Profession
- Christian Monastic Vows
- Provida Mater Ecclesia
- Catholic Order Rites
- Major Orders (Holy Orders)
- Enclosed religious orders
- Military machine religious orders
- Secular orders (Third orders)
- Lists
- Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
- List of Cosmic religious institutes
- List of military orders
- List of Societies of churchly life
References [edit]
- ^ Ryan, George (2018-01-09). "What Is a Religious Order? The Major Catholic Religious Orders Easily Explained". uCatholic.
- ^ Álvarez Gómez, C.Yard.F., Jesús (1996). Historia de la vida religiosa (in Spanish). Vol. Iii. Madrid: Publicaciones Claretianas. ISBN978-8479662417.
- ^ Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II–II, q. 88, a.xi
- ^ a b Paul G. Quay, "Renewal of Religious Orders, or Destruction?", in Commentarium pro Religiosis et Missionariis, vol. 65 (1984), pp. 77–86
- ^ 1917 Code of Canon Law, canon 488
- ^ William Edward Addis, Thomas Arnold, A Cosmic Dictionary Containing Some Account of the Doctrine, Discipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils and Religious Orders of the Cosmic Church, Part Two, p. 858 (reprinted past Kessinger Publishing 2004)
- ^ 1917 Lawmaking of Canon Police force, catechism 1073
- ^ 1917 Code of Canon Law, canon 1058
- ^ 1917 Code of Canon Law, canons 580–582
- ^ Yūji Sugawara, Religious Poverty: from Vatican Quango II to the 1994 Synod of Bishops (Loyola Press 1997 ISBN 978-88-7652-698-5), pp. 127–128
- ^ Code of Catechism Law, canon 1192 §2
- ^ Robert T. Kennedy, Study related to a pre-1983 book by John J. McGrath – Jurist, 1990, pp. 351–401
- ^ Code of Canon Law, canons 607–709
- ^ E. Caparros, M. Thériault, J. Thorne (editors), Code of Canon Law Annotated (Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal 1993 ISBN 2-89127-232-three), p. 745
- ^ Article published in Theological Exploration, vol. 2. no. 1 of Duquesne University and in Law Review of University of Toledo, vol 33
- ^ Run into "The Benedictine Order" in New Advent, Catholic Encyclopedia
- ^ Lawmaking of Catechism Law, catechism 589 Archived April eighteen, 2016, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Annuario Pontificio 2008 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2012 ISBN 978-88-209-8722-0), pp. 1411–1468
External links [edit]
Official websites
- "The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life". Vatican.va.
- "Concerning 'Religious Institutes' in The Code of Catechism Police 1983". Vatican.va.
Acronyms and denominations
- Catholic orders at Curlie
- "List of Contemplative Men's Monasteries in the United States". Retrieved Apr nine, 2022.
{{cite spider web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - "List of Contemplative Women'southward Monasteries in the United states of america". Retrieved April 9, 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - "List of abbreviations (unofficial)". Retrieved Jul 22, 2018.
{{cite spider web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - "Alphabetical order of entities in the Diocese of Rome". Diocese of Rome (portal) (in Italian). Retrieved Jul 22, 2018.
- "Vocation Network". (searchable directory of men's and women's Catholic religious communities)
- "VISION Vocation Guide Digital Edition". (Comprehensive guide of men's and women's religious communities in the U.Southward. and Canada with links and vocation opportunities)
Which Religious Order Is Known For Its Service To The Poor?,
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_order_%28Catholic%29
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